Another point that stands out is how the 5 stories and main characters are connected to each other. The good connection of the different stories in the film is mainly due to a good storyboard and scene design. For example the gym scenes where all 5 man go and workout without knowing each other, the "fight Tommy fight scene" where a swift shift between the Philip and Roland storyline is achieved.
The comedy level is pretty standard. Its not like I feel the jokes are totally of topic but there are not totally original as well. So jeah a pretty solid modern romantic comedy
The independent character development and the good story telling character of the film is especially seen when compared to the 2 film. In my opinion in the second film the quality of each individual story is tested and therefore we see the greatness of the character development. Also the second film heavily leans on the good work of the first film. But lets look in detail why I think so.
-Günters story is no going anywhere in the second film. Its pretty much the same. A goodhearted but quit shy and unfavorable Günter and his attempts to live in a grown up relationship. While in the first movie the heart of this situation was transported in a good way, I have to admit that in the second film it gets quiet boring. It is still watchable and not over the top bad but that's because of the good character development in the first film
-Jeromes story on the contrary really starts developing in the second film. While in the first film his uneasiness with having only shallow relationships with no depth or future is only shown in a very limited way, in the second film we see a totally new face of him with his family and his attempts to find the great love. And again I have to say the surprise and excitement the viewer gets because of this new phase in the life of the beloved character is due to the good character development in the first film.
-An immense portion of heart was put into the story of the chaotic underachiever Philip whose life chances dramatically after his girlfriend gets pregnant. There is not much to say about this part of the film as it is mainly a pretty forward situation. But as it is only 1/5 of the film it is (in my opinion) a crucial part as it gives a portion of "normal" life into the film. If the whole film would have been about this couple it would be much to few content to even get a decent film out of it. But the few glimpses the viewer gets on these two, between all the other characters and stories are a good way to decentralized the film and make it into a more casual viewing experience. In the second film the story of Philip and Ninas continuous in the same good hearted way as in the first one.
-The story of Niklas on the other hand goes through a dramatic change in the second movie. But to be fair that was predictable after the ending scene of the first movie. But I think this change is not for the better. Because the situations happening to Niklass are just plane stupid, unnecessary for the film and to much trimmed to be funny. What we get is a totally shallow character out of a not phenomenal but good written Niklass in the first movie. All together it is a step back.
-The last type of man is Roland who is clearly unable to cope with the situations around him and his inner anger. Often he does not know how to use is powers and in that aspect he is kind of a teenage boy in puberty. While in the first film the balance between understanding the actions of the person, feeling sorry for what happened to him and the total disbelieve about his actions is put up very well, in the second film this good work is not achieved. The story and character development of Roland gets again quit shallow and unattractive for the viewer.
-A special mention need to go to Bruce. The best written character of the whole film. He is funny, crazy, lovable and scared. I think it is nearly impossible to not love Bruce and his abnormal lifestyle. And the only times I really started to burst out laughing was in Bruce scenes. And to my own astonishment the second movie mainly circles around Bruce as he replaces the gym as the connection between the different men.
In conclusion the film shows us stories and different characters that are not shallow, live and could bee real. Actually that's something each film should set out to achieve but not many films succeed in the same amount as Männerherzen does.
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