As a real Harry Potter books fan for me every "Harry Potter" film is kind of a disappointment. As of course it is near impossible to capture all the details of a 700 paged book into a 2 hour film (which bring us back to the books vs. film discussion which I don't want to go into detail now).
But surprisingly in my opinion this film had many good solutions on how to make a good book based ("Harry Potter") film.
These spoken of solutions are firstly I think mainly due to the good directing and good (but not phenomenal) music which is integrated into the film perfectly.
Secondly the reappearance of Quittich scenes which we had to wait for 3 films ( if we don't count the Quittich world cup as we did not see any playing action there and the really short scene in the 3 scene where also the focus was not Quittich but the Grim in the clouds) And there are made with style in this film I really appreciated the camera work here and also the new design of the Quittich robes. And I liked the idea of showing a Quittich mach in the snow. Overall a more than successful return of Quittich.
Thirdly the good use of wide shots for example when they enter the cave or in the Hogwarts Express as these scene gives the audience time to let the last scenes sink in and therefore gives a very good, comfortable and relaxing transition to the next scene.
And lastly some very good scenes about the school life in Hogwarts like the memorable first potions lesson with Slughorn scene or the (a bit comical) scene where Harry and Ron have a free period and McGonagall "advises" them to take the potions class.
But a bit better time management or different priorities in choosing the right scenes for better understanding would have help allot since some crucial parts (like the private lessons with Dumbledore, or Harry's connection to Slughorn. Because these two factors are really the essential stuff of the book) were just rushed through as for example crossing of a do-to list. This led to a slightly uncomfortable viewing experience. This brings us to talk about some real crappy errors which lowered the quality of the film even more.
Firstly the (for the film) invented (or written) new scenes are, with a few exception, all crap. For example the (in the book never happening) attack on the Burrow. I mean you don't have to do everything just as it is told in the books. New written scenes for better understanding, explaining stuff, giving a specific feeling or just simplifying things are a good tool to give the audience better understanding and round up the film. But the (above mentioned) burrow scene, the scene at the beginning of the film before Dumbledore arrives, some real awkward scenes with Ginny and Harry on Christmas holidays (in my estimation) do not serve any real purpose. Examples for good written new scenes is the scene where the dark mark is vanished by the lighted wands of all the peoples (and their feelings), gathered around Dumbledore’s dead body (a scene almost as iconic as the scene where McGonagall makes the castle ready for Voldemort’s attack in the last film) Or also the scene where Harry gets rid of his potions book with the help of Ginny as it shows us a new perspective (or inside) of why the get together and it is also a valuable scene for some (much needed)character development on Ginny.
Secondly the scene where Harry is on the small island in the middle of the lake and tries to get water for Dumbledore when the inferies attack. That's just an amateur mistake as the cutting here is done very sloppy because there are definitely 2 if not 3 jump-cuts in a matter of seconds which again gives a very uncomfortable feeling while watching.
As I mentioned in the begging the solutions for the best Harry Potter film are definitely present but are degraded by some unnecessary mistakes, making the film fit perfectly in the rather mediocre films of Harry Potter.
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