When we are taught how to write an essay in middle school, we learn that positive sides and negative sides of an topic are evaluated and afterwards in the end all these explored aspects are brought together into a final symbioses thus creating the conclusion and the main opinion of the author. But in game reviews this system does not work always as sometimes good aspects of the game set such an high standard of game fun that it can not be brought down by any negative aspects. "Mount and blade" is such a game in my opinion. So I wanted to evaluate X reasons "mound and blade" is a good and fun game in spite of many downsides. And I came up with 5 reasons which are as follows.
But firstly lets quickly sum up the downsides of the game which are as follows: very low variety in different quests, no over the top skill tree or leveling system, bad (too much texture based) graphics, lifeless surroundings, shallow economy, no in-story character development.
-The fact that there is no story at all benefits the game in a great deal and makes mount and blade an unique project. As the game gives the player total freedom. Or put in other words this freedom gives the player endless possibilities, endless time to achieve your personal goals ore level your character and troops into the wanted team, endless opportunities, endless ways of doing the same thing.
-Huge vacuum for players own imagination gives the player the opportunity to create his own story. Because as the player plays the game presented in its rather dull graphic and with no quest- or story-forced job to do the players mind wanders of and creates its own things to do, its own goals to achieve, its own realm, its own disputes between companions, kings, marshals, soldiers, its own wars, its own loves and friendships and therefore it creates the perfect game for each individual player.
-The battle and combat system is like tailor made for the game as it hast the right demand of needed skill but is not as of-putting to newcomers as many other games.
-The huge amount of mods created by a very active community helps the game allot because with the scenario change created by new mods the passion for the game is inflamed again.
-Connected with the total freedom and the great variety of mods the replayeable factor of the game is (nearly to) high.
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